Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Island

Take ingredients from THX-1138, Logan's Run, The Matrix and Blade Runner. Infuse with Aldous Huxleys "Brave New World" and you have The Island - over 2 hours of taught sci-fi action adventure that leaves your mind reeling.

Set in 2019, The Island is a stark warning of what we may see unfold in the next couple of decades with regards to genetic engineering and human clonning.
Ewan Macgregor and Scarlett Johansson play the inhabitants of a carefully controlled utopian society where the only aim in life seems to be winning the lotto - the grand prize being a trip to "The Island", a tropical paradise which may not quite be what they are expecting.
I won't ruin the plot by giving away any vital information but let's just say "Fasten Your Seatbelts" for one heck of a ride!

I am stunned that this movie was directed by Michael Bay (The Rock, Armageddon) as it just seems far too intelligent for his style but the action sequences testify to his involvement and they are extremely satisfying!
What is also worthy of note is the set design and visual candy served up on mass - a stunningly realistic picture of the world as it may look in a couple of decades time.

I give The Island 4/5 (How would YOU rate this film?)

*to submit a review to mr.Jake's film review just email it to me and it should appear shortly*


At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

debt consolidation


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