Monday, July 11, 2005

Fantastic Four rates a Two

If an Epic drama or artistic films rates 2/5 something went wrong. If a comic book adaptation rates 2/5 it was alright. I liked the film, and felt that it lived up to my expectations, which really means that I never expect much more than a smash bang action movie with a few good one liners. It was good fun, but nothing special.

Mild mannered scientists trying to do some good for humanity enter outer space where they are zapped with radioactive gamma-rays. Their DNA is altered and the fun begins.

The "action" doesn't really pick up until 30 minutes in, which means that the first half hour of the film hinges on the story line and the acting, neither of which are very good. At one point in the film Susan Storm (Jessica Alba) has to show that she is putting a great deal of effort into one of her superpowered heroic maneouvers, and this is portrayed by some CGI blood dripping from her nose. She just couldn't act the part, so they doctored it up a bit.

But the jokes are alright, the fighting (not quite enough of it) is fun and flashy, and the characters are pretty classic comic book heroes and villains.

I give The Fantastic Four 2/5 (How would YOU rate this film?)

*to submit a review to mr.Jake's film review just email it to me and it should appear shortly*


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got done seeing it about an hour ago and the verdict is a-w-f-u-l.

If I could give it a -1, I would.

This movie was so bad I feel for the actors who played in it. Seriously. All of that money and time at their disposal and the filmmakers simply blew it. Sure, you'll see a sequel, but I'm not going to go see it.

Screw you FF.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Dan Wilt said...

And so the point is, for those of us anticipating seeing it... wait for the DVD -- at max?

At 10:39 AM, Blogger Michael said...

It's a rental for sure - great effects and some added comedy from Chris Evans as Johnny Storm but the plot was thinner than the hair around my temple... a good chewing gum movie (i.e. don't engage my brian just my senses please)...

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Michael said...

Oh yeah - I give it the same - 2/5

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

This movie is perfect for girls looking to pay back movie watching debt they've accumilated from making their boyfriends watch "fever pitch" or "the notebook". It certainly wasn't "fantastic" but it was pretty clean. No blood, sex or extreame language.I could have had to watch "war of the worlds" =)

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Linda Hope said...

Haven't watched it...but will, as i have promised a friend i would go see it with her.

BUT...there is a movie you should reiview...

BATMAN BEGINS! The best movie of the year! i will give you my opinion now...4 3/4 out of 5. It lost a quarter mark because his voice change as "Batman" is slightly unrealistic and cheesy, and Katie Holmes did not belong with the Stellar cast...but other than was AWESOME!!


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